No Washing. No Drying. No Folding. Just drop off your laundry and pick them up clean. Your laundry days, simplified.
No Washing. No Drying. No Folding.
Just drop off your laundry and pick it up clean.
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In an industry where cleanliness should be paramount, many laundromats choose to cut corners, prioritizing cost reduction over maintaining a healthful facility.
We closely adhere to the Department of Health's guidelines on maintaining a sanitized and immaculate facility.
Other laundromats may not provide temperatures high enough to kill and eliminate bacteria and viruses.
Our washers heat up to 165°F and dryers up to 195°F killing up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
Using dirty water to launder your clothes is like showering in mud -- you're spreading grime instead of removing it while diminishing hygiene.
Washing clothes in filtered water safeguards fabric quality and promotes better skin health by reducing harmful irritants