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Commercial Services

Why Uniforms Set the Professional Standard for Your Business and Your Staff

Tehsin Amiani
May 25, 2019

When it comes to appearing professional no matter what your industry, having a uniform appearance sets the standard. It lets consumers and clients know this is a professional, well-equipped team and environment.

Uniforms give a recognizable appearance, can streamline your brand, promote your business, as well as provide several other benefits.

In fact, it can be such an asset to your business that you should want to protect these assets by having a commercial laundry service on your side.

And that’s where we come in.

We’re a full end-to-end commercial laundry service that’s here to help you protect your business assets (AKA your uniforms).

To learn more about any of our commercial laundry service or to get started, give us a call at 516.418.2112 Ext. 0, or just fill out the form to get a free no obligation quote today.

So let’s talk about who uses uniforms & why?

Whether you are running a small local business in Nassau County, work in the emergency room or are in the hospitality industry in Garden City, chances are you use a uniform. Employees and employers everywhere dialed into their busy schedules are using these uniforms day in and day out. Which is why having a uniform laundry service is of the utmost importance.

Having a professional laundry service helps knock one thing off your employees’ and colleagues’ to-do list, leaving more space in their minds’ for better service.

People from all lines of work and all walks of life use uniforms, which makes them a pretty important part of a business.

But what are some of the benefits of having uniforms, besides making sure your employees don’t show up to work in board shorts and flip flops?

And trust us, there are plenty of benefits to uniforms for your business.

One of them is definitely making sure your employees show up dressed in an appropriate manner.

Sure maybe you work somewhere that your appearance is not of utmost importance. If you’re a coal miner, for instance, your dirty pants are not of much concern. It’s more like, hey make sure that hard hat is safe.

However, in many other industries uniforms are an essential part of the overall presentation and experience.

Maintaining appearances

commercial laundry service

One of the major way uniforms maintain appearances is by setting a standard. For example when walking into a 5-star hotel or restaurant, one of the first things you notice is how the staff is dressed. Their uniforms can set the bar for how you should be dressed when entering the establishment as well as the level of service and class you can expect. To manage that expectation check these food service uniforms out.

And appearances aside, you can check out some professional advantages to uniforms here.

If you are looking to find uniforms that best suit your business, you can look here.

Hi, my name is _____.

Wearing a uniform at work is like having a light up arrow pointing to you that says, Hi! I work here, how can I help you?

Whether a name tag is part of the get-up or not, people will easily be able to identify that you are staff.

For example, when you go into a hospital you know the people in scrubs are there to help. Same as when you are staying in a hotel, you should be able to easily identify the housekeeping staff. They are your go-to people for cleaning needs. And we can upgrade that amenity by offering laundry hotel service. No one has time for washing their own clothes or thinking about laundry while they are on vacation or a business trip. Let us help you get it done for them. Your clients will surely appreciate the removed task, giving them more time to enjoy their stay or prep for their next board meeting.

Here are some great options for identifiable uniforms.

A comfortable client is a repeat client

When dining at a restaurant the last thing you want to have to do is put in work. Servers in clean identifiable uniforms make them easy to spot and call over. Likewise when in a department or grocery store. No one likes the “do you work here?” game.

Putting your staff in identifiable garb can help create an at ease and memorable experience. It lets the client or customer know that when they arrive at your establishment they aren’t going to have to poke around or feel awkward and lost. They will clearly know who they have to talk to for service.

Let’s make a memory

commercial laundry service

In creating a memorable experience, it becomes of utmost importance that it is a positive one. In other words, best to make sure those unmistakable uniforms are squeaky clean.

Our commercial laundry services have you covered. Your waiter having a clean uniform might not make your food taste better, but you are likely to remember they had a massive ketchup stain running down their shirt and take mental note.

Plus you never know what turns people off, a customer might see that and think well if the staff looks a mess, I can only imagine what the kitchen looks like. Or, let’s say you go into a banquet hall for a wedding. You walk into the space and notice dirty tablecloths and messy waiter aprons, sure this might not make the bride glow any less, or deplete the day of any magic.

However, that is not something you want in your wedding photos nor is it something you want your guests to draw their attention to. Instead, reach out for our linen laundry services, and we guarantee your linens will be spotless keeping the attention on the newlyweds and not on the cleanliness of the venue.

From a business standpoint, this memory of the positive experience you just created can be “free” marketing for your business. And who doesn’t love some free marketing!

Having your staff in uniform is more than keeping them from going on the funky end with their gear. It keeps your image streamlined, which is great for creating a memory of your product or business in consumers’ minds. No matter the field, our commercial laundry service can help make sure everyone is looking clean and sharp. Let us help you create a positive memory in your client’s eyes, just think – FREE MARKETING! Clearly we are not the only ones who think uniforms are a good idea, this makes some great points too.

Happy uniform-ing!

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